Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Three S's... Stress, Sleep, and Skin

I'm not telling you anything you don't already know. We all remember finals weeks in college and the inevitable breakouts that followed from the stress and lack of sleep. Stress can have a tremendous physical impact on your body. You know how it feels when you look in the mirror and see bags under your eyes, red blotchy skin, and in general have lost your "glow". You know how much better you look after a restful week of vacation, when you've eaten and slept well and really have taken the time to unwind.

A long time ago, a dermatologist of mine gave me this excellent tip. It changed the way that I thought about my skin, and I hope that it might do the same for you. She said to stop thinking about your skin as a cosmetic coating that needs to be scrubbed, picked, waxed, and loofahed within an inch of it's being. Think about your skin like an organ. Just like any other organ in your body. Like your heart, or your stomach, your throat, your kidneys. You see a doctor for it's care. When you are tired, overworked, overweight, overstressed, dehydrated, allergic, or sick- your skin will show this just like any other organ. It's actually more likely to show some of these signs, as it is the organ we see the most! We can't open up and peek at our arteries, tummy, liver, or kidneys!

You know that when you are stressed, you also tend to feel tired. It's because stress and sleep often go hand-in-hand. When we are stressed, we are also likely to not be getting enough sleep or good quality sleep. We know this is taking a toll on our body- our tummies get out of whack, our eyes twitch, our immunity to infection weakens, and we don't feel so hot. Because we are now thinking of our skin as an organ, we know that this is taking a toll on our skin as well!

Perhaps we are working to finish a project for school, staying up late to clean the house or do the laundry, sitting for long hours by the computer to work on our finances. Or, even when we get to bed on time, studies show that a high level of stress can have an effect on the quality of sleep that you get each night. Highly stressed individuals have a more shallow sleep pattern, instead of sinking deep into their REM cycles, where restorative sleep occurs.

Ok, now I know what you are thinking. You can't magically remove all the stress from your life. You are going to have nights where you just don't get as much sleep as you'd like. Life happens, and we can't avoid it. I know that. You don't have to achieve Dalai Lama style Zen to have great skin.

You can, however, take some really simple steps to help make a big difference. Let's start at the source- stress. I want you to try these five simple steps RIGHT NOW- no matter where you are! Just trust me.

Step One- Get up, walk to the sink/water cooler, and make yourself a big glass of water. Sip on this glass while you complete these next steps.

Step Two- Focus your energy on your brow and forehead. If you are like me, you may tend to tense this area, which can result in fine lines. Close your eyes and try to release the tension from your forehead. This may take some practice. Think about trying to release your wrinkles and flatten the skin on your forehead and brows. Release all that tension that you are carrying in between your eyes. It feels amazing!

Step Three- Focus your energy on your shoulders. Are the crunched up and tense? Release them! Let them fall naturally, and straighten your spine so that your chest feels open and your neck feels longer.

Step Four- Close your eyes, and breathe deeply from your diaphragm. Really take a big breath from the pit of your belly. Take a few breaths while you are at it! Doesn't this feel divine? Doesn't it make the world feel like it's moving a bit slower? Utter chaos might surround you at home or work, but you are taking deep luxurious breaths that say, "I am special, I deserve a moment to myself to re-center, to get in balance, and to restore my sanity."

Step Five- Rub your temples. Take your pointer and index fingers, and gently rub the temples of your head, those soft spots beside your eyes and above your ears. Don't rub hard, just a gentle pressure. Close your eyes while you do this and take another deep breath. If you are at home and have a teeny bit of olive oil, just barely wet your pointer finger and use a touch of oil.

Repeat these steps often, even multiple times a day if you'd like. Try them right before bed and see if perhaps you get a better nights sleep. And guess what, your WHOLE body will thank you. Skin included.

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