Thursday, December 8, 2011

Olive Oil Facial

As the holidays draw near, we are all working to beat the winter dry skin, on both our faces and bodies, that I discussed in my last post. Hardly anyone is immune to it, even the oiliest of complexions can be dry this time of year. You may notice dry cuticles around your nails, flaky skin around your nose or eyebrows, and in general a bit less of that rosy complexion that you enjoyed over the summer. And, contrary to popular belief, facial dry skin is actually quite prone to breakouts, as rough dry skin sits atop your dermis and dulls your complexion and clogs your pores.

In the winter, you may find that you need to take extra measures to keep your skin smooth and supple. So, I decided to try a much recommended homemade Olive Oil Facial. The premise is simple, you slather up your face with a high quality Extra Virgin Olive Oil, and then you gently lean over a pot of steaming water to open your pores. I thought I might as well try it!

Now, for many of you, putting pure oil on your face is going to seem contrary to things that you have heard your whole life. Aren't zits just little oily spots just waiting to be zapped by creams, gels, and prescriptions that strip our skin of it's oil? The answer is no. Actually, our dermis really desires to keep a nice balance between moisturized, greasy, or dry. Many of us find that is a fine line to walk! I know I do.

So, I gently cleansed my face and patted it dry. I applied Colavita brand EVOO to my face like it was a regular moisturizer.

Then, I leaned over my steaming water and let myself steam for about five minutes. It felt great! After I was done, I used the same gentle cleanser to wash the EVOO from my face, and patted dry. (Always pat, never rub, ladies!) I felt very soft and supple! And, my skin never broke out from the application of the oil. In fact, I believe it may have helped clear up some spots that had left a bit of redness. This is a "facial" that I will certainly put into my rotation, especially when the skin care dollars are running a bit low!

**My skin tends to be dry, so I'd be interested to hear how this facial worked for you if you tend to be oily. Please comment below if you've tried this!

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